Rebellious energy and excitement come to life in Verve 42. Forward-facing and adrenalinic, this performance-driven outboard yacht incorporates a fast and compact nature, while cultivating a contemporary sense of luxury on board. A unique and novel boat for the segment, this fresh weekender’s elegant and livable habitats pave the way to easy well-being, giving guests the chance to appreciate relaxed refinement as well as an uncompromised navigational ambition all in one. Challenge the rules with Verve 42. Designed to place you as close to the sea as possible, the cockpit features a side panel that opens up and niftily transforms into a surprising platform over the water. The Verve 42 may be designed to give you the freedom to weigh anchor and explore at any moment, but it also invites you to make yourself at home when you find yourself in a particularly idyllic spot. The below-deck dining area transforms into a double bed, while the comfortable double cabin with ensuite can accommodate up to four guests, making it ideal for planned and impulsive overnight stays. Contact us for any detail.
Bussola; Comando motori elettronico; Computer di bordo (Mercury); Contamiglia (Raymarine); Ecoscandaglio (Raymarine); GPS (Raymarine); Plotter (Raymarine Axiom 7); Radio VHF (Raymarine); Sedile Copilota;
Allarme motore; Allarme sentina; Ancora; Autoclave; Batterie; Caricabatterie; Doccia esterna; Flap elettrici; Hard top; Impianto antincendio; Lavandino nel Pozzetto; Luci di cortesia; Piattaforma; Pompa di sentina automatica; Porta ingresso; Presa 220V banchina; Raddrizzatore; Salpa Ancore Elettrico; Scaletta da bagno; Tavolo pozzetto; Tromba; Winch tonneggio di prua;
Boiler (bivalente); Impianto acque nere; Prese interne 12v; Prese interne 220v; Serbatoio Acque Nere; WC marino elettrico;
Cuscineria di prua; Cuscineria Pozzetto; Telo copriconsolle; Telo coprisedile;